Passenger Train Journal Third Quarter 2015


Please note, many of the mail services we use to ship our products have reported delays. More information can be found on the FedEx, UPS, and The Mail Group websites.


Derailment of Amtrak train 188 • by El Simon — The known facts as of August 1, 2015, surrounding the Northeast Corridor tragedy of May 12.

The Dream and the Reality • by Karl Zimmermann — How a revived Broadway play prompted a perspective on Amtrak’s downgrading of the New York–Florida Silver Star.

Illinois Passenger Rail: Moment of Truth? • by C.B. Hall — Nearly a decade of improvements and strong growth for Illinois DOT’s network of passenger trains in the Prairie State is poised to be gutted.

Passenger Trains of Peoria, Part 1 • by David P. Jordan — Though it was never located on a Class 1 main line, Peoria once was a major railroading hub in the Upper Midwest and fielded a diverse network of rail passenger service.

NRHS Rallies in Vermont • by Mike Schafer — Once again, the National Railway Historical Society pulls off a wonderful, passenger-train-oriented convention, this year in the Green Mountain state.

Best Crew Team Ever and Other Notes... • by Mike Schafer — Both Amtrak and VIA get great marks during the PTJ editor’s, last-minute, dead-of-winter, 5,800-mile journey back and forth across North America.


Capitol Unlimited • by Jim Matthews, NARP President & CEO

LeisureRail • by Ted & Sylvia Blishak

Mail, Express and L.C.L.

North American Intercity • by Karl Zimmerman

On the Point • by Mike Schafer

Rush Hour • by Kevin McKinney with Joseph M. Calisi

The Journal • by George Fletcher

Window on the World • by Kevin McKinney

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