Passenger Train Journal Third Quarter 2015
Derailment of Amtrak train 188 • by El Simon — The known facts as of August 1, 2015, surrounding the Northeast Corridor tragedy of May 12.
The Dream and the Reality • by Karl Zimmermann — How a revived Broadway play prompted a perspective on Amtrak’s downgrading of the New York–Florida Silver Star.
Illinois Passenger Rail: Moment of Truth? • by C.B. Hall — Nearly a decade of improvements and strong growth for Illinois DOT’s network of passenger trains in the Prairie State is poised to be gutted.
Passenger Trains of Peoria, Part 1 • by David P. Jordan — Though it was never located on a Class 1 main line, Peoria once was a major railroading hub in the Upper Midwest and fielded a diverse network of rail passenger service.
NRHS Rallies in Vermont • by Mike Schafer — Once again, the National Railway Historical Society pulls off a wonderful, passenger-train-oriented convention, this year in the Green Mountain state.
Best Crew Team Ever and Other Notes... • by Mike Schafer — Both Amtrak and VIA get great marks during the PTJ editor’s, last-minute, dead-of-winter, 5,800-mile journey back and forth across North America.
Capitol Unlimited • by Jim Matthews, NARP President & CEO
LeisureRail • by Ted & Sylvia Blishak
Mail, Express and L.C.L.
North American Intercity • by Karl Zimmerman
On the Point • by Mike Schafer
Rush Hour • by Kevin McKinney with Joseph M. Calisi
The Journal • by George Fletcher
Window on the World • by Kevin McKinney