Passenger Train Journal Second Quarter 2018
Amtrak: Pinching Pennies Again and Again • by Karl Zimmermann — Relentlessly cutting costs to achieve profitability, Amtrak instead chases away passengers as amenities disappear.
Budd Rail Diesel Cars Return to Eastern Pennsylvania • by Alex Mayes — The Blue Mountain, Reading & Northern reactivates its RDCs for a series of excursions over former Reading, Jersey Central, and Lehigh Valley lines.
Ronald Reagan and the Union Pacific Fleet • by Joseph M. Welsh — Surprise! The 40th president of the United States once was an avid fan of rail travel.
The Trains of 1968 • by Kevin Mckinney, with Joe Mcmillan, Steve Patterson, Mike Schafer, Jim Boyd, and Howard Patrick — A sampler of the wide variety of varnish one could ride (and photograph) in the U.S. during the year that Passenger Train Journal was born.
El Chepe • by Bob Schmidt — The last intercity passenger train in Mexico.
The Branson Scenic Railway • by Bob Plough — Buried in the Ozarks along the White River is a jewel of a tourist railway operation.
Capitol Unlimited • by Jim Matthews, NARP President & CEO
LeisureRail • by Ted & Sylvia Blishak
Mail, Express and L.C.L.
North American Intercity • by Karl Zimmerman
On the Point • by Mike Schafer
Rail Users Network • by Richard Rudolph, Ph.D, Chairman, Rail User’s Network
Rush Hour • by Kevin McKinney with Joseph M. Calisi
The Journal • by George Fletcher
Window on the World • by Kevin McKinney