Passenger Train Journal First Quarter 2019


Please note, many of the mail services we use to ship our products have reported delays. More information can be found on the FedEx, UPS, and The Mail Group websites.


Holiday on Railsby PTJ contributors — How some railroads celebrated the spirit of the 2018 holiday season.

What’s Missing?by Karl Zimmermann — Remember when railroads and even Amtrak used pomp and panache to catch the eye of the traveling public?

West Palm Beach to Miami on Virgin Trains USAby Otto Vondrak — Our Trail Blazer series shows you how modern rail passenger service should be done.

The Empire Corridorby Walter E. Zullig — How New York Central and the State of New York launched an operation that today garners much praise.

PTJ Reader Survey: The Resultscompiled by Kevin Holland — A review of what PTJ readers chose as their favorite trains, locomotives, rolling stock, and operators.

The Commonwealth’s Record of Successby Richard Rudolph — The Commonwealth of Virginia marches forth with aggressive plans to continue growing its network of rail passenger service.


Capitol Unlimited • by Jim Matthews, NARP President & CEO

LeisureRail • by Ted & Sylvia Blishak

Mail, Express and L.C.L.

North American Intercity • by Karl Zimmerman

On the Point • by Mike Schafer

Rail Users Network • by Richard Rudolph, Ph.D, Chairman, Rail User’s Network

Rush Hour • by Kevin McKinney with Joseph M. Calisi

The Journal • by George Fletcher

The Potomac Pundit • by Don Phillips

Window on the World • by Kevin McKinney

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