Passenger Train Journal Third Quarter 2020
Congressional Proposals Boost Funding • by Kevin McKinney — Despite widespread pandemic issues, a bipartisan Congress proposes several programs to advance rail passenger service.
The Semaphores’ Last Stand • by Cody Suddeth — Classic century-old block signals protecting a long stretch of the Southwest Chief’s route in New Mexico are coming down.
Train Travel Could Lead the Way • by Kevin McKinney — A trip through the West gets good marks and why “long-distance" trains are also important for intermediate travel.
Santa Fe’s Grand Canyon Limited • by Thornton Waite — The story of Santa Fe Railway’s most diverse transcontinental passenger train.
Britain’s Hythe Pier Railway • by Kevin Holland — The story of an obscure and yet historic tramway that rides over water—and it’s still in operation!
Mail & Express • by Kent Patterson — Despite Amtrak’s checkered history handling mail & express, is there still a way it could benefit both Amtrak and its host railroads?
The Ongoing Saga of Restoring Service to the Quad Cities and Beyond • by Richard Rudolph — The long, drawn-out efforts to restore rail passenger service between Chicago and Davenport/Rock Island/Moline/Bettendorf and possibly beyond are back in the limelight.
Capitol Unlimited • by Jim Matthews, NARP President & CEO
Mail, Express and L.C.L.
North American Intercity • by Karl Zimmerman
On the Point • by Mike Schafer
Rail Users Network • by Richard Rudolph, Ph.D, Chairman, Rail User’s Network
Rush Hour • by Kevin McKinney with Joseph M. Calisi
The Journal • by George Fletcher
Window on the World • by Kevin McKinney