ATTENTION! Due strike notices from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, our Canadian customers will likely experience delays. Thank you for your patience.

Passenger Train Journal Fourth Quarter 2023


Please note, many of the mail services we use to ship our products have reported delays. More information can be found on the FedEx, UPS, and The Mail Group websites.


Journal Spotlight 

Mexico’s Tren Maya.

Amtrak Presents Potential Equipment Concepts.

Orlando Welcomes Brightline • by Jack M. Turner — Florida’s higher-speed alternative to flying and driving expands.

Brightline: From Idea to Reality • by Kevin Mckinney — The people and plans that maintain Brightline’s momentum.

War, Rockets, and the Morning Dew • by Gene Harmon — Rock Island recollections from 1970.

Trailblazer: Ethan Allen Express • by Scott Ornstein and Kent Patterson — A round-trip from New York City to Burlington, VT.

Commuter Rail vs. Hi-Tech • by Bill Anderson — Technology is the Great Disrupter.

The Amtrak Diaries, Part 9 • by Mark W. Jones — Jonesy’s big adventure continues.


On the Point

The Journal

North American Intercity • Are fares fair and good for growth?

Window on the World Tunnel derailment impacts Switzerland

Rail Users Network • Restoring the Desert Wind

Capitol Unlimited • A bright idea, but not the only one.

Transport Action Canada • Is hydrogen the future?

Rush Hour

Mail, Express and L.C.L.

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