Railfan & Railroad February 2017


Please note, many of the mail services we use to ship our products have reported delays. More information can be found on the FedEx, UPS, and The Mail Group websites.


Plow Extra • by Nick Benson — Snow storms can close railroads and delay freights until specialized equipment ranging from wedge plows to rotaries are called in.

Red River Railroading • by Steve Schmollinger — This 24-mile stretch of former Santa Fe mainline on the border between Texas and Oklahoma is home to a variety of modern mixed traffic.

Northern Freight • by Frank Keller — The rugged scenery and challenging weather conditions provide dramatic backdrops for Alaska Railroad freight between Anchorage and Fairbanks.

Santa Susana Pass • by Matt C. Batryn-Rodriguez — This scenic California mountain pass is the gateway for freight and passenger trains headed to and from Los Angeles.

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