Railfan & Railroad March 2020


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Home Sweet Homeby Blair Kooistra — In the late 1970s, Burlington Northern’s shop in Auburn, Wash., was home to one of the largest fleets of streamlined F-units in the Pacific Northwest. For a young railfan exploring on his own for the first time, it felt like home.

Youngstown & Southeasternby David Baer — Like the cat with nine lives, this Ohio short line continues to reinvent itself under new ownership in the 21st century.

PHOTO LINE: Along the Line 2019 — From coast to coast and in all four seasons, our readers share their favorite trackside experiences from the past year.

Portland & Western in the Willamette Valleyby Vic Neves — Heading to Winterail? Check out these colorful former Southern Pacific branch lines around Corvallis, Oregon.

Kentucky Steamby Drayton Blackgrove — Chesapeake & Ohio 2716’s road to revival began with a dream, and the hopes of rivitalizing a Kentucky community.


Departures/commentary: Alexander Benjamin Craghead

High Iron/railroaders share their stories: Sam Swisher

LocoNotes/diesel spotters: Kenneth M. Ardinger

Markers/additional thoughts from your editors

On The Menu/railroad dining, art, and culture: James D. Porterfield

Parting Shot/Joseph Cermak

Railnews/top news stories and photos from our readers

Railroadiana/new product, book, and video reviews

Through My Lens/trackside memories: Kevin EuDaly

Timetable/railroad event listings submitted by our readers

Transit Currents/transit news: Bob Gallegos

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