Railroad Model Craftsman May 2015


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A Different World • by Dale Ridgeway — What life would be like growing up in an HO-scale B&O railroad.

DL&W Hopper Cars • by William Botkin — Detailing and upgrading Accurail and Walthers hoppers cars for the DL&W.

A Stumptown Shack • by Larry Canaday — Creating a unique model of a stumptown shack and property from scratch.

N&W G8 Gondola • by James Kinkaid — A look at N&WS G8 class of Ortner-built gondolas.

Build a B&O RS-1 • by Brooks Stover, MMR — Building an Alco RS-1 in S scale, twice!

A Layout Is Never Finished • by Tom Troughton, MMR — A unique look at creating details for your model railroad.

Vacuuming Track • by David Steer — Modifying a European track vacuum car for use on a North American prototype.


Editor's Notebookby Stephen Priest

Receiving Yard

Rail Books • Book news and reviews

RMC Timetable • Scheduled events and notices

RMC Perspective

Look Both Waysby Mike Schafer & Bill Navigato

Test Track • by Tony Cook — Product reviews

Scratchbuilder's Workshop • by Bob Walker

RMC/Dremel Kitbashing Award • by Tom Teeple

Classified Ads • Commercial listings

Dealer Directory • Recommended hobby dealers

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