Railroad Model Craftsman June 2017


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Altas/Kato GP7 Upgrade • by Brian Banna — Finding that between detail and operability — a targeted upgrade.

Pan-Pastel Weathering • by Ronald Stacy — Ronald Stacy takes us through his process of weathering freight cars.

Scratchbuilding a Depot • by Peter McKinney — It took a team to research, draw, and build this unique structure.

P-S 40-foot Hi-cube Boxcar • by James Kinkaid — A look at Pullman-Standard’s 40-foot hi-cube through drawings and images.


Editor's Notebookby Stephen Priest

Look Both Waysby Mike Schafer & Bill Navigato


Rail Books • Book news and reviews

Receiving Yard

RMC/Dremel Kitbashing Award • by Tom Nitza

RMC Perspectiveby Howard Gillispie

RMC Timetable • Scheduled events and notices

Scratchbuilder's Workshop • by Bob Walker

Test Track • by Tony Cook — Product reviews

Advertising Index

Dealer Directory • Recommended hobby dealers

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